Frequently Asked Questions

This page is designed to provide useful information about FACT based on constituents' feedback and specific questions submitted from our Ask FACT on-line form. If you are unable to locate an answer to your specific question, please submit your question via Ask FACT for a personalized response.

The summaries below describe the information that can be located in each of the sections.

Accreditation: This section provides information about how organizations can apply for and maintain accreditation as well as where specific accreditation materials can be located.

Cord Blood Standards: This category contains basic options for accessing FACT's Standards and Manuals along with recommendations for how to meet specific standards based on questions submitted from Ask FACT.

Cellular Therapy Standards: This category contains basic options for accessing FACT's Standards and Manuals along with recommendations for how to meet specific standards based on questions submitted from Ask FACT.

Inspectors: Information for constituents interested in inspector requirements and gaining access to inspector benefits.

Webinars and Workshops: Find information about how to register for upcoming educational opportunities.

FACTWeb: This section contains helpful tips about how to navigate through FACTWeb, FACT's new on-line accreditation portal.

COVID-19: This section contains helpful tips about COVID-19.